Wind Racer Kennel

Welcome to Wind Racer Kennel, home of the Finest Siberian Huskies, Greyhounds and Otterhounds!

You can find a needle in a haystack or a sewing drawer; and one is bound to be more efficent than the other-Spencer Munray

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx

Going from a family to two standards, All dogs in this kennel must be sold by 1/25/07

Unless you are leaving the bred or leaving the game DO NOT send me e-mails advertising dogs you have/will have for sale, even in replacement for a dog I offered on. You will be blocked no questions asked.

Champions not breed by me

(120)Ch Signatures Brute Force CD (2XBiB)(Sib)
Ch Kaysas Reach The Limit (Sib)
(120)Ch Snomish Choose or Pick (Sib)
Ch RPKs Lohen Target (Staffy)
Ch RPKs Power Of The Waters (Staffy)
Ch Pawzazz Cool Jay (Otterhound)
Ch Boreas Susan the Gentle (Otterhound)

Name Themes
Siberian Huskies: Power Names
Greyhounds: Inherited
Otterhounds: Science

Name Explanations

WRK Black Belt - I do Tae kwon do so having a black belt in Tae know do is a symbol of dedication and strength to me.

WRK Mana Kirihara – A main charter in my favorite manga book series Juvenile Orion.

WRK Seven Pointed Star - Myself and six friends were standing around talk when one of my friends tried to get us to join hand (or maybe it was touch tows) in the shape of a seven pointed star, unfortunately she couldn’t figure out how to do this (she was sixteen and in Algabra II). My friends are weird.

WRK The Loyalty Of Friends – I consider myself very loyal to those I like.

WRK Buy My Loyalty - As I said I consider myself a loyal person and was looking for a name that included loyal or loyalty and it just so happened that there was a dilbert cartoon with the words “Buy my loyalty” on it lying on my desk.

WRK Tomonori Nakaura – My favorite charter in one of my favorite manga book series Juvenile Orion.

WRK Into The Woods - I had just watched a movie of that play, twice.

Real Life

In real life I dog mush. I own fourteen dogs: nine sled dogs, two pet dogs, two retired dogs, and one princess. I do sprint racing (short distances) so my dogs often do not look like huskies like most distance (long distance, Eg: Iditarod) dogs. Most of my dogs are more of a hound type. I race five dogs in the five dog class usually. I might add more latter. Feel Free to E-mail me with questions. happy :)

Here are some pictures:

This is a collage of my race team this past winter.

Most of the personal pictures are done by me. I get my pictures from
the skipwall site
the showdog default pictures
from and from

Thanks to Lascaux Kennels for the pictures for WRK Gallant Love and WRK I Love Dragons.
Thanks to the people who did other personal pictures.
Thanks Kool Dogs for the Banner.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#681,472)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 7/28/2005
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 5/29/2007

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters